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The diversity of interconnected cultures on a bounded planet requires more shared orientations. The humanities and politics have to face fundamental questions: What does a humanism look like that does not move too rapidly to universalize the views and historical experiences of the European or American world? How can we conceive of globality as a new entity without playing unity and diversity off against one another? Does a world culture need common values or only rules of human exchange? And how do we keep the terms “culture” and “humanity” from being misused as weapons in identity wars? Any realistic cosmopolitanism must proceed from an understanding of humankind as one entity without fitting cultures to some sort of global template. Answers can be gained by deploying shared characteristics of humans as well as pan- cultural commonalities. This book offers an anthropologically informed foundation for addressing pertinent questions of intercultural exchange.
Christoph Antweiler
Studies the University of Bonn. Study of geology-paleontology (Diploma) and then the Ethnology in Cologne, PhD 1987, habilitation 1995th Main areas of research: Cognitio博客來n, city culture, cultural change, local knowledge and Cultural universals. Regional Interest: Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia.
Recent books: Basic positions intercultural Ethnology (Nordhausen, 2007), What is the People have in common? (Darmstadt, 2007) and The Theory unexhausted. evolution and creationism in science and society (together with Thies and Lammers, Aschaffenburg 2008).
Inclusive Humanism是本非常有意思的書﹐的議題炒得十分火熱,自從站長Kiven買了後
作者: Christoph Antweiler
新功能介紹- 出版社:國立臺灣大學出版中心
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2012/10/20
- 語言:英文
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作者: Christoph Antweiler
新功能介紹- 出版社:國立臺灣大學出版中心
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2012/10/20
- 語言:英文
The diversity of interconnected cultures on a bounded planet requires more shared orientations. The humanities and politics have to face fundamental questions: What does a humanism look like that does not move too rapidly to universalize the views and historical experiences of the European or American world? How can we conceive of globality as a new entity without playing unity and diversity off against one another? Does a world culture need common values or only rules of human exchange? And how do we keep the terms “culture” and “humanity” from being misused as weapons in identity wars? Any realistic cosmopolitanism must proceed from an understanding of humankind as one entity without fitting cultures to some sort of global template. Answers can be gained by deploying shared characteristics of humans as well as pan- cultural commonalities. This book offers an anthropologically informed foundation for addressing pertinent questions of intercultural exchange.
Christoph Antweiler
Studies the University of Bonn. Study of geology-paleontology (Diploma) and then the Ethnology in Cologne, PhD 1987, habilitation 1995th Main areas of research: Cognition, city culture, cultural change, local knowledge and Cultural universals. Regional Interest: Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia.
Recent books: Basic positions intercultural Ethnology (Nordhausen, 2007), What is the People have in common? (Darmstadt, 2007) and The Theory unexhausted. evolution and creationism in science and society (together with Thies and Lammers, Aschaffenburg 2008).
Inclusive Humanism
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